Welcome, Jackalgirl!
And I'm just back from an awesome vacation, and trying to catch up on the news. Hi to everyone!
I hope you had a great time!
Belated greetings Jackalgirl - welcome!
Hi everyone! My name is Ellie! I'm reading the Foreigner series at the moment, having read up through Peacemaker. I'm waiting for my library copies of the next three to be available, but refreshing the hold status page a bunch of times doesn't seem to be making it come any faster, so I thought it might help to come hang out here! (Controversial opinion: if Bren is so short compared to the atevi, he should be using a booster seat when he rides in atevi cars, right? I'd like to draw this idea someday when I have more practice drawing.)
Welcome in, Ellie.
Please do help yourself to some of our famously safe tea whilst you explore hereabouts.
Thank you!
Welcome, Ellie. If you would like to be recognized on your Natal Day, please let me know the date and I will add you to the list.
joekc6nlx wrote:
Welcome, Ellie. If you would like to be recognized on your Natal Day, please let me know the date and I will add you to the list.
Oh, sure, thanks! November 30th!
Welcome Ellie! Please enjoy some 🫖 and 🥮, and make yourself at home!