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1/08/2025 5:29 pm  #1

Cyteen burned and a complete loss

My friend came to visit a few months ago, and I gave him an extra hard cover copy I had of Cyteen. He needed a book and this was an obvious choice.
Sadly his home was in Pacific Palisades, 30+ years there. Total loss apparently. Fires still raging. He’s in shock. Thinking of all the many losses. He hasn’t thought of Cyteen. I did, but merely as a defense against the horror of this kind of apocalyptic disaster and loss. I feel terrible for him.

One world -- or none

1/08/2025 6:05 pm  #2

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

(NOT a political rant) Many of the insurance companies said they were forced to cancel policies due to California's newer insurance laws.  This is unfortunate and a disaster for the homeowners.

"Those who can give up essential liberties in order to purchase a little extra security deserve neither liberty nor security." - Benjamin Franklin
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." - Marcus Aurelius

1/08/2025 6:14 pm  #3

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

Horrible, horrible news, Star.  My profound sympathies to your friend.  I have been following the news reports and flashing back to memories of our own fires here in January 2003, as well as later that same year in San Diego, where I was attending a conference as their fires started..

And I am old enough to remember the 1967 bushfires that devasted parts of Tasmania in my first year of high school there.

It's a strange world.  Let's keep it that way.

1/08/2025 6:39 pm  #4

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

joekc6nlx wrote:

(NOT a political rant) Many of the insurance companies said they were forced to cancel policies due to California's newer insurance laws.  This is unfortunate and a disaster for the homeowners.

No doubt. This is an issue in many places in the US, not just because of insurance laws but due to the more general notion of unmanageable risk. People on the southeastern US coasts are increasingly having trouble getting home owners insurance. Fortunately my friend had good insurance, although he estimates his personal property coverage was significantly subpar.

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1/08/2025 6:40 pm  #5

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

Surtac wrote:

Horrible, horrible news, Star.  My profound sympathies to your friend.  I have been following the news reports and flashing back to memories of our own fires here in January 2003, as well as later that same year in San Diego, where I was attending a conference as their fires started..

And I am old enough to remember the 1967 bushfires that devasted parts of Tasmania in my first year of high school there.

Thank you ‘tac. The fires in your area did occur to me as I typed this news. 

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1/08/2025 7:24 pm  #6

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

Oh dear.  So many horrible fires, everywhere. Not to mention hurricanes and floods. I do feel fortunate so far. But we had a drought here this past fall and we would likely have lost everything if the forest behind our house went. We’ll have to start living like my family members in Sonoma county - with a go bag always packed - if we keep getting the droughts. 


1/09/2025 1:24 am  #7

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

Ok update available.
I just received a call from my friend. Miraculously, his is one of only four houses in his neighborhood that didn’t burn down. His neighbor saved the house by spraying his burning deck with a hose.

He and his wife wept when they heard - they still haven’t been able to get there to check personally - will try tomorrow. The fire is not contained so there’s still risk to the house. Hopefully enough has burned already that the area won’t ignite again.

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1/09/2025 12:19 pm  #8

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

So sorry to hear this about your friend, Star. I am glad his house was spared. I am watching this closely from Las Vegas, My home shares many of the resources of southern California.

The date I joined the original board: 12/04/2002

1/09/2025 12:28 pm  #9

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

HRHSpence wrote:

So sorry to hear this about your friend, Star. I am glad his house was spared. I am watching this closely from Las Vegas, My home shares many of the resources of southern California.

Thank you. Do you get wildfires near you, Spence?

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1/09/2025 4:02 pm  #10

Re: Cyteen burned and a complete loss

starexplorer wrote:

Ok update available.
I just received a call from my friend. Miraculously, his is one of only four houses in his neighborhood that didn’t burn down. His neighbor saved the house by spraying his burning deck with a hose.

He and his wife wept when they heard - they still haven’t been able to get there to check personally - will try tomorrow. The fire is not contained so there’s still risk to the house. Hopefully enough has burned already that the area won’t ignite again.

Glad to hear some relatively good news, Star.

It's a strange world.  Let's keep it that way.

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