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11/09/2023 11:27 am  #1

CJ health update

Just saw on Facebook that CJ is going to have surgery for breast cancer. She sounds optimistic because it was found early and the treatment will not be as debilitating as that for the colon cancer she had a few years ago.


11/09/2023 4:32 pm  #2

Re: CJ health update

Thanks for the update.
Speaking as one who will only ever use Farcebook rarely and begrudgingly and who will never consider it to have any credibility as a source of truth, I do appreciate it nonetheless.


It's a strange world.  Let's keep it that way.

11/09/2023 6:21 pm  #3

Re: CJ health update

Yeah, she mentioned it on FB. Having been through that m'self, it's good that she's mentally up for it. Made a suggestion for getting more physiological info from it. There's a number of good factors to look for from it. Hoping she gets them.


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