That’s a major spoiler, Star. So anyone other than Star who is not current with the books avoid this post.
so, Star, some number of volumes into the series,(because it has taken some number of years for the atevi to get a space program up and running- the ship humans need the atevi and the earthbound humans in space to help them refuel the ship ) the humans who arrived at the space station at the end of the first book reveal to Bren that they had fled another space station their ancestors had constructed at another star because it had been attacked by an unknown enemy. Bren and Ilisidi head off with the ship humans to destroy the data that had been left in the station databanks so that the enemy would not be able to find the atevi world and wreak disaster on it too. . When they get there they learn A) some humans have survived the past ten years on the station and b) there is an alien ship lurking out in the distance. That ship is the Kyo, and the story of Bren’s interactions with them is quite wonderful, one I go back to often because it is extremely satisfying.
do you want more? Because the possible links to the AU universe comes some books later after many more developments and itself is a wonderful story
If you wish to jump in, the Tracker/Visitor pair contain the fairly standalone story of the second Kyo encounter. The resolution has huge implications that have still not played out. I will not specify as these are very consequential spoilers.
I guess I’ll just have to get going on a 20-volume excursion then!
Not sure if this is the correct thread - Admin please do move it if it would be better elsewhere.
In Hellburner one of the major characters is Lt. Jurgen Graff, under the command of Capt. Keu on Sol Station. He's ethical, cognizant of Dekker's difficulties, empathetic ... a 'good guy'. In Downbelow Station "Graff" is one of Mallory's key staff and the Fleet at this point has become more or less renegade with all that entails. A huge change of direction for the character but seems too specific to be coincidental ...
Do you suppose this is the same character? Has anyone ever come across anything in other books to indicate so?
I always thought it was the same person, based on the name and the opposition to Mazian
Star, for me the episodes that deal with the Kyo have always been my favorites. They show Bren doing what he is extraordinarily gifted at. By the time we get to that point he has fairly well integrated into atevi society and while one cannot say it is all plain sailing and clearly understood, he does generally get the drift once he sees there is an issue, so it is exciting and back to the roots when he takes on a completely alien mindset. And as Aja notes, there are two installments with the Kyo. So much to look forward to, if you do go that route.
Yes, It was Voyager in Night I was thinking of.
I asked CJ explicitly if the Foreigner stories were in the same literary universe as the A/U universe. She said "No."
So if you want the Downbelow natives to interact with the Atevi, you'll probably be out of luck. But the hani and the azi, maybe.
HRHSpence wrote:
I asked CJ explicitly if the Foreigner stories were in the same literary universe as the A/U universe. She said "No."
So if you want the Downbelow natives to interact with the Atevi, you'll probably be out of luck. But the hani and the azi, maybe.
Well, if Foreigner is definitely not in the same universe as A/U (and it's nice to have a definitive answer from Herself on that question), then I guess there'll be no possible playdates between atevi and hani or azi, as the latter two are firmly in the A/U universe.
Still good news for me as that's now one less research rabbit-hole for me to get lost in. Mind you, even a week ago I'd have argued until I was blue in the face that I could logically connect the beginning of Foreigner to be part of A/U. But I went back and re-read the first parts of Foreigner (the first book) several times and I now see where I was wrong.: I could see the things that led me to assume an underlying A/U setting for the Phoenix mission, but this time around I also caught the multiple details that together say this is not likely after all.
I think the Earth derived cultures from the two universes are very similar, but they're not the same place. I meant that the azi and the hani could interact, but none of them could with the atevi.