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Sorry to hear that, Joe!
Many regrets for your loss.💐🌹🌸💐
This is getting frustrating. About 25 years ago or so, I ran across an online group of Babylon 5 fans, they were scattered all over the country, some in the East, some in the Midwest, and some on the Left Coast. I found out that one of them live about 50 miles from me. As the years went by, the group migrated from service to service, and some people left, whether in frustration, or boredom, we'll never know. Eventually, we dwindled to four, then three in 2019 as Neil's cancer finally killed him. We had gotten an email from Rebecca (who lives about 50 miles away from me) telling us she had fallen and broke her ankle and possibly chipped a vertebra. Sh was in rehab, but didn't have a phone charger or her laptop. Like my house, there is no one else in her house. She had missed 6 of our scheduled Monday night chatrooms, so I asked her neighbor, who I know from kendo. He told me this morning that Rebecca had had a heart attack about two weeks ago and didn't survive. Her brothers, one of whom lives in Northern California, had come to clean out her house. Rebecca had been active in the local theater group, she was on the library advisory board, she had worked at Antioch Press in Yellow Springs, Ohio. When we'd hold the chatrooms. she was the "Barbara Walters", asking each of us how things were going, and adding her perspective on whatever topic was pertinent. One major rule was no politics. No abuse toward other members. So now it's Mike in Chicago and I in Ohio who are left. I don't know how long it will continue. I'm close to 70 and Mike is a few years younger. Still, it's been a good run.
Sad to hear this Joe, Another reminder that none of us are getting any younger. My condolences.
so sad
So sorry to hear of both of these tragedies, Joe. Very sad news
Phil's still in the hospital. Apparently the chemo has affected his kidneys and the might have to do dialysis. The doctor says his progress looks good with regards to the donor cells.
Phil says he should be able to leave the hospital in about 3 or 4 days. If so, he will be in temporary lodging very near to the hospital. He's not supposed to travel further than an hour's drive from the hospital. His home is further than that, hence the temporary lodging. His blood counts are all up, and perhaps he's through the worst.
Good to hear. May he continue to improve.
good to hear.
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