I just started this-not sure how recent-by our old friend KLParker. I haven’t followed him lately, my recollection is I think he is an excellent writer but quite dark. Anyway, I am really liking this one. The first person narrator seems more reliable than some of his others and somewhat more honorable. And I really enjoy the very practical engineering aspects. So far, therefore, it is recommended.
Thanks Kokipy. You hooked me with just the title on this one: speaking as someone whose favourite and only computer game interest is still Civilisation II (and yes such an old game will still run fine on 64-bit Windows 10 thanks to support from its fan community).
Right - it's now sitting in the virtual TBR stack in the Kindle library.
I could have sworn we decided Parker was a woman, no?
But it turns out he is a man named Tom Holt, or at least writes under that name as well.
Btw I finished it and really enjoyed it. It isn’t quite so dark as some of his others.
Good. Thanks. Tom Holt. Harumph!
What do you think of Holt? Unless harrumph fully expresses it.
No, I like those books. They were good and great world building. These were the ones with all the metal work and creative low tech technology right? They were good