Did s/o mention Kurosawa?
Posted: 2:53 PM - Nov 17, 2009
the mule
Nishiki_san. it looks that you will find many a like mind hereabouts. I'm quite fond of the Japanese culture myself.
Posted: 9:52 PM - Nov 17, 2009
hanks for posting your bio Nishiki -- sorry about your Mets!
Posted: 8:59 PM - Nov 21, 2009
As of this date, I'm 63...
Born in Sandusky, OH, USA...
Lived in CA and FL for as long as OH...
I've had two electronic encounters with C. J....
Working on my memoirs...
Want to be one of my Readers-While-I-Write?
Email me amzolt )at( gmail )dot( com and I'll send you my current draft of the memoirs...
Was going to call it my autobiography but I reasoned that if I live into my 80s or 90s that would be a better time for a real Bio...
Posted: 3:00 AM - Nov 22, 2009
Welcome, amzolt! As a cautionary note, however, you may wish to edit your post to obfuscate your email address somewhat, in a way that is interpretable by living minds but cannot be copied verbatim and pasted into a spam list. In fact, many spam-bots can even decode the common "name AT" (or the equally-common "(AT)"). Using less common delimiters, like "_", "-", "{}", or even reversing the parens ")AT(" may suffice to confuse literal programming. And given that spam is not only annoying in and of itself, it can be used to spread viruses, trojans, and other forms of malicious software, not making oneself a target is generally considered a Good Thing.
While our Assassins Guild (moderators) place some small hurdles in the way of who wish to post here, to insure that genuine persons are the only ones so allowed, the whole world can READ this board. Including Spam-Bots. Your degree of trust in us is flattering, but do consider its not JUST us you're sharing with.
The safest method is to invite Shejidanni who wish to receive your personal email or give you their own (for whatever reason) to make such requests via Private Message (PM), a function available from your Control Panel page, or by clicking an Associate's yellow-underlined name.
EDIT(2), after merger into Biography Thread: I hope I didn't overstate the case for propriety. But here things are now, as they should be.
Posted: 9:16 AM - Nov 23, 2009
Xheralt,Nov 22 2009 a minor note about propriety, there is a biography thread intended to receive posts such as yours.
EDIT: I see elsewhere you've been made aware of said thread. Perhaps I'm overstating my case here. But, I suspect persons willing to view a precís of your bio in the Biography Thread proper are most likely to be interested in the longer form, whereas those who aren't, aren't.
I edited my email address but I don't know how to transfer the post to the bio thread.............. I goofed and thought the audience chamber was the "bio thread"...
Posted: 3:42 PM - Nov 23, 2009
amzolt,Nov 23 2009 wrote:
Xheralt,Nov 22 2009 a minor note about propriety, there is a biography thread intended to receive posts such as yours.
EDIT: I see elsewhere you've been made aware of said thread. Perhaps I'm overstating my case here. But, I suspect persons willing to view a precís of your bio in the Biography Thread proper are most likely to be interested in the longer form, whereas those who aren't, aren't.
I edited my email address but I don't know how to transfer the post to the bio thread.............. I goofed and thought the audience chamber was the "bio thread"...
Us "mere mortals" cannot transfer posts, only a mod ("Guild Assassin") can.
Posted: 5:30 AM - Nov 24, 2009
Merged as requested.
Welcome, Amzolt.
Posted: 1:50 PM - Nov 24, 2009
Ah, I'd forgotten that Sabina was of such great seniority, that her title of choice predates the convention that developed of naming moderators as "Assassins".
And by the way, amzolt (and all other new folk), custom titles can be had, for the asking. No minimum postcount or other BS required.
Posted: 12:41 AM - Mar 11, 2010
dolor here
- lover of four-footed friends, particularly though not exclusively feline, five of whom reside in Alameda, CA
- live between 2 worlds at present: HI & CA, attending to 2 generations: older (2-legged) & younger (4-pawed)
- aficionado of sf, fantasy, myths, legends, politics, sports, food - not necessarily in that order
- enjoy multiple forms of surfing...
- stumbled upon this site in search of more on after finally sampling, then devouring Downbelow Station & Cyteen while awaiting completion of the current Foreigner trilogy
- looking forward to reading more and browsing this site for other takes on her works
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:01 pm)
Dolor, when you gain some experience on the site and wish to drop the "newbie" status, let me know, I'll change it for you.
Posted: 1:51 AM - Mar 11, 2010
Neco the Nightwraith
Welcome dolor! Please accept this humble offering of and seasonal
Posted: 8:49 AM - Mar 31, 2010
Hello everyone, I'm the newest member.(I think so at least)
My name is ElvisTheKing, the reason behind this name is simply that I really am utterly useless at nicknames and names in general. That and a utterly hilarious turtle who's name is Elvis and of course some good old songs.
Well, I'm 19 at the moment, I do acutely consider myself 20 right now since it's just a month left and it takes away some guilt when I use my false identification card to buy booze and spirits from "the system" which is the only legal place to buy it in Sweden.
I'm right now a teache-student(it's a Contradiction, but you know what I mean) in the university of Göteborg and I'm gonna stay like that for at least another 4 years or so.
And just you know, Göteborg or Gothenburg as the say in the English tongue is just as bloody rainy as London, although not as foggy.
I spend half my free time reading books, mostly sci-fi and fantasy and I have no idea what my first sci-fi book was but the books which made me interested was "the Foundation series" when I was 12 or so. My first book was Cuckoo's Egg, it was good but I needed soething more. My search led me to foreigner and now I'm forever trapped.Aaaaand now it was like 9 hours since I wrote the stuff above this and I'm totally of my game at the moment, so now it's done. This be me, love you all.Posted: 9:25 AM - Mar 31, 2010the muleWelcome in ElvistheKing and do help yourself to I'm thinking that you are living not very far away from our associate Busifer.
Posted: 10:28 AM - Mar 31, 2010
Felicitous Sk8er
One loves your biography, ElvisTheKing, and is most delighted you are in the building!
Posted: 10:43 AM - Mar 31, 2010
Thank you for the biography, ElvisTheKing and welcome to Shejidan. I would like to hear more about Elvis The Turtle!
We have no turtle smilies, so have a beer.
Posted: 11:42 AM - Mar 31, 2010
Indeed our latest (?) member is not that far away from where I am - about a 3 hour (express) train ride west of me, or about 470 km (about 290 miles) as the car goes.
Posted: 1:38 PM - Mar 31, 2010
Welcome in Elvis. I liked Cuckoo's Egg a lot, too. Serpents Reach was another one that was very, very alien and yet you understood it after the first hundred pages. I got started with the Morgaine saga and then read every Cherryh book my library had.
Welcome in again, do enjoy your stay.
Posted: 4:26 PM - Mar 31, 2010
Thank you all for your kind welcomes and comments. :wub:
And hello Busifer, my fellow sweed. I do agree that a 3 hours ride with train is short in the global scene, but it's not something you go back and forth on a daily basis. Just going the 1.5 hours it takes to go to my current school where I "observe" other teachers is bloody well killing me. mah, newer mind my daily misery. I do enjoy being there, most of the time at least.
Thank you all for the lovely tee and beer.
I have to ask, when do you suppose it's best to read Serpents Reach? or does it matter at all?
Thank you again for the welcome hrhspence and I will.Here is a cover for one of the Elvis collected comic books, unfortunately no smiles for you BetYeager, but don't worry he's quite sturdy.
*translation* "No day without anxiety". dun dun duuuun!
Posted: 4:34 PM - Mar 31, 2010
Hey Elvis, Do call me Spence. Serpents Reach is a stand alone story set in the A/U universe. So you can read it at any time you wish.
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:05 pm)
Hello Spence-ji. ^^ And good, I'm starting to run out of cheeryh books.(it's a lie, there is lots left, but I don't have the money for it. but not a problem here because serpents reach followed with Cuckoo's Egg, it just means that I only have to find the damn book)
Posted: 11:30 AM - Apr 07, 2010
Hey! Thanks for the clarification on Elvis the turtle. I thought maybe it was your pet and wondered how he could be hilarious (I've had pet turtles, they always seem to be dying). This is better! The facial expressions are great.
Is it possible I could have seen this cartoon before? It seems familiar in some way.
Posted: 7:51 AM - Apr 08, 2010
Thank you, Kel Julian(likes the Mri Wars much? xD)
aww, I would indeed love too have a pet, thought I would prefer something more lively than a turtle, possibly a cat. :3Neco the NightwraithWelcome to Shejidan, Elvis! You can call me Neco, as Neco the Nightwraith gets ridiculous after a while.
I loved Serpents Reach (it's one of my favorites), but found Cuckoo's Egg hard to stick to. My start was Foreigner, at about 11 years old. I had actually found both Foreigner and Invader together at my library, and it was a pure accident that I checked them out together. Somewhere, I think one of them still has the book club recommendation I stuck inside the front cover.
Posted: 12:57 PM - May 10, 2010
Short version: I've been around forever. I met CJ at Chicon 4 in 1982, along with the original Cherryh's Khemesis (sp?) which was an off-shoot of a Darkover mailing group. I met Jane the following year in Baltimore by accident. I was waiting for the person driving and went into one of the final panels to find him. Jane was showing a group of people her sketches for the b/w version of Gate of Ivrel.
A few years later, I took a partial break from fandom for 11 years while getting a BSI in CIS. I wasn't out of sight entirely. Fandom was put on the back burner. Not sure exactly when I found newsgroups, but they helped keep me sane during the 90's.
I found Shejidan some years ago while working a 2nd shift, HelpDesk job, but decided that since most of the references were Foreigner related and I hadn't read the books, and I'd pass at that time. Having met some of you on CJ's blog, and finally starting on the Foreigner books, I decided to check in. I have specific Foreigner related questions, but I will try to go through the current and archived posts before I list any. Most of my questions have probably been asked. There are impossible scenes I would love to see, but I'll read a lot on this site first.
I'm owned by a warrior, a spy and a gangmember, along with the sweetest Golden Retriever mix dog. Shere Khan (siamese/tabby), Pascal (tuxedo), Houdini (orange tabby) and Angel/Houdini's Grandma. Angel sheds so much, I kept telling her I was going to knit a kitten. I never expected to get Houdini. Khan is neither Mri nor Assassin's Guild. They both have better manners!
Very happy to meet everyone! May this be a long, pleasant association.
Posted: 12:58 PM - May 10, 2010
I forgot to say, I did not pick the avatar, but laughed when I saw it! My garden has been taken over by wild blackberries and the tame ones may have cross-bred with them on one side.
Posted: 1:16 PM - May 10, 2010
I put it on, since your name looks like Mulberry, shortened. You can change it at any time.
Posted: 11:24 AM - May 18, 2010
"sTePH is a stereotypical 'Gen-Xer'. A racist, homophilic, metrosexual white liberal moron in Theattle, wearing a $50 designer raincoat, sipping soy chai latte mocha crappuccino lattes, listening to Pearl Jam and Creed, thinking he's 'alternative' and 'hip' and that nobody else knows about those bands, whining about the construction of new stadia for the Seahawks and Mariners because he hates sports."
(Terry Lomax, May 2005)
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StePH, I am impressed that they got "latte" in there twice, in the same descriptive phrase! Quite a feat, that.
And what the hell's wrong with disliking sports, I ask?
Posted: 5:47 PM - May 18, 2010
Theta9,May 18 2010 wrote:"sTePH is a stereotypical 'Gen-Xer'. A racist, homophilic, metrosexual white liberal moron in Theattle, wearing a $50 designer raincoat, sipping soy chai latte mocha crappuccino lattes, listening to Pearl Jam and Creed, thinking he's 'alternative' and 'hip' and that nobody else knows about those bands, whining about the construction of new stadia for the Seahawks and Mariners because he hates sports."
(Terry Lomax, May 2005)
Hey! I didn't know you lived in Seattle.
Posted: 11:20 PM - Jun 02, 2010
Wow. One has discovered her original bio (one believes) from the old site....
Greetings and salutations!
Name's Ness (cow's name is Ferdinand...she likes daisies).
Been around since spring of 2001 (seems like longer though...ack). Currently on forced hiatus due to lack of computer time!
I'm 31, of the single persuasion (WOO HOO!!!-line forms to the right guys! wink.gif ) and currently residing in my hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada (where Winnie the Pooh got his name from!)
I WAS the Circulation Troll at a magazine publisher, but have since the fall been back in University (they all look so YOUNG) attempting to complete my Bachelor of Education (After Degree) so I can I mean educate the next generation of computer geeks and accountants!
I enjoy reading (duh) all sorts of material (sci-fi, fantasy, HISTORICAL FICTION, mysteries); checking out films (a little heavy on the foreign film interest); writing in my spare time (which is very sparse right now); hanging out here; and indulging in the quietly consuming passion of cross stitch, knitting, and now decided to add guitar lessons after Christmas...yah..I'm an idiot.
Looking forward to doing more travelling, meeting some people (*waves at Kymmee..."you know it's you girl!"*)
My heroes: CK, Taccic, Kymmee and anyone who can sing all the verses to Barrett's Privateers (you know who you are!!!)
Update 2010:
Nine years have passed and many things have changed. I lost track of Ferdinand the avatar (a delightfully silly looking cow in clown shoes) but still have the much loved mug I painted with her portrait on it. I am happy to have rescued my Taccic created avatar to continue here. Having dipped my toe into relationship waters, LOL I am still a solo act.
During the course of my BEd, I was fortunate to receive a bursary to attend a French Immersion summer program. This led to another bursary to return to l'Universite de Quebec a Chicoutimi for a year to continue working on my vastly improved second language after I finished my degree.
A love of something different lead me to spend a total of 5 years in the province, 4 of them teaching a variety of subjects from history to english to film to art (note: I am not an art teacher!!! Let's just say both my students and I survived that year intact).
I returned west to be closer to my suddenly very elderly parents (time flies) and am very glad I did. I was able to be a small help to my eldest brother as we became very occupied with an increasingly frail father. He passed away in March and I was blessed with amazing friends and a wonderful new school environment who were amazing supports. I'm lucky to be welcomed back to the school in the fall (news I received this week). My mother, while quite cranky, is still going strong.
I am still a lover of all manner of flavour of fiction (although not of hardcover books) and try to get my hand into my crafts from time to time. The life of a teacher unfortunately does not often leave a lot of time for wool gathering. The gift of a car from my father has opened many opportunities for travel I have desired to attempt for many years--Civil War road trip here I come!!
I remember finding a delightfully silly, intelligent and wonderfully brilliant people when I joined Shejidan years ago. My heart broke when I read of the passing of CK. She was an amazingly warm, talented and hilarious person. I was one of those who believed HE was awesome (LOL!). A few other names are gone, but the people I see here now are a wonderful continuation of a love for creativity, imagination and rather good looking people who like leather and lace.
Thank you if you have stuck with my post for this long. *holds out a cup* Here, have a much deserved
Posted: 9:23 AM - Jun 03, 2010
the mule
Ness_ji, It sounds as if you have been having a great time during your hiatus.
all together now:
God D*mn them all, I was told
we'd cruise the seas for American gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on the Halifax piers
The last of Barretts Privateers!
Posted: 11:36 PM - Jun 04, 2010
*Would Love an American Civil War road trip.* That BA [Hist] must be good for something other than Water & the American West, LoL. And mumbling about Simon Schama
kkktttt Hkkt 1336 [0336GMT, 2036PST] Sa.5 Jun 2010
Posted: 2:35 PM - Jun 07, 2010
54 years, 4 living children, same spousal unit for 30 years, devotee for 31 years... hopefully 101 is a fortunate number... (odd, odd number of digits, not sure if it's a prime....)
Posted: 1:11 AM - Jun 20, 2010
(Semi-cross-post from Welcome thread with edits; just noticed bio goes here~)
Sorry for my delay in self-introduction; as Sabina mentioned, Deceiver was delivered unto one's hands and eager mind the same day forum access was graciously provided. The time since has been spent reading, and re-reading, and again once more for a felicitious third time. Delicious!
How Bren-paidhi has grown from the first book... am noticing a distinct maturity and assuredness of character and still learns new things even now. One was in the process of re-reading the series and had started Invader when the library called... the Marid has been stirring trouble since the very beginning!
So. Greetings again, from Rhujo. Turning 30 this year. Licensed to drive auto (but don't tell them I know how to do manual!). Residing in Brisbane, Australia where there is much greenery, bright sunlight, the bluest skies imaginable and the locals find 18^C weather 'cold'.
Avid fan of science-fiction, paranormal, and fantasy, with the odd autobiography and science journal thrown in (eg. David Attenborough writes particularly well and has wonderful life stories).
One works in a lab as a scientist of Endocrinology/Biochemistry, enjoys cooking/baking, is devoted to tea/coffee/chocolate, plays Horde/Warcraft, and knits scarves and hats occasionally (like a Dr Who scarf for a friend's b'day, hehhe!).
New associates of Shejidan, one looks forward to making your acquaintance and exchanging ideas in good faith,
(Am getting the hang of wrapping my head around the polite language, does anyone else find it organises their thoughts into more logical forms/pathways?? Lol! Ahwell. I shall lurk, and learn, and speak my thoughts with respect/sincerity.)
Posted: 1:57 AM - Jun 20, 2010
Aha! Another antipodean Associate! Most excellent!
Rhujo, this particular Guild member is in Canberra, and I know there are at least two (or is it three?) other Associates in the south-east Queensland area.
Please feel free to get in touch if you ever get down this way.
Posted: 12:26 AM - Jun 21, 2010
Hey Rhujo :D I didn't know there were at least two (or is it three?) other Associates in So-East Qld area. Natanha is near Perth, and there's at least three [soon to be four :D] here in Tassie: me, an anonymous poster in Devonport, and Vicki, who's in Launceston also but not on Sheji.
Welcome in. Merry Winter Solstice to you :D
Kkkkttt Hkkt 1426 [0426GMT, 2126PST] Mon.21 Jun 2010
Posted: 4:10 AM - Jun 21, 2010
wrote:I didn't know there were at least two (or is it three?) other Associates in So-East Qld area
Just checked - there are at least three. Disclosure: one of them, who has not been active since joining, is my brother-in-law. His particular area of interest is the Fortress books. He's definitely a fantasy afficionado rather than an SF maven.
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:13 pm)
An old story -- most of us have a brother-in-law lurking somewhere, inactive.
Posted: 5:11 PM - Jul 07, 2010
Just a quick note. For reasons of privacy and not thinking when I set up the account, I've had my account name changed from mmberry to Miranda. My old SCA name. I'll change the Gravatar to a photo I took this morning of my blackberries just because I like that idea.
As Miranda I can openly admit a city name. I attended a talk on cyberstalking this Spring and was reminded why we should never give a proper name and location. The fun was having a co-worker not being able to find me on Facebook, which is under my actual name. I had to describe the image for her to find me!
Thans Sk8ter!
Posted: 4:22 PM - Aug 30, 2010
I'm starting my senior year in high school this fall and have spent most of my life so far reading, sleeping and going to choir rehearsal.
I tend to be very busy with schoolwork and other things, though I'm always procrastinating, which gives me plenty of times to read. I'm highly involved in choir and love vocal music in general
Just as everyone else here, I love to read. Mostly fantasy and sci-fi, though I'm willing to read most anything. I read my first Cherryh novel, Downbelow Station, last year and have since read Cyteen and am currently finishing Foreigner (I'm finished the Bren part, but I skipped the space ship, back-story stuff at the beginning and am now going back to read it) so I have a whole ton of catching up to do with regards to Cherryh's writing.
I also love many varieties of , with admitted preference to the non-poisonous kind.
Posted: 1:34 AM - Dec 31, 2010
I'm a senior in college where I'm studying computer science. I live in the mid-west and I'm legally blind. I am an avid science fiction reader and I have a bit of an obsession with space. I enjoy reading, writing, roleplaying, and 3 dimensional design. I am an big fan of 's work, particularly the foreigner series, but I embrace all sci-fi and fantasy.
In my spare time I enjoy a good cup of , working on my book, designing spacecraft, and thinking about the logistical challenges of deep space colonization.
Posted: 4:57 AM - Jan 01, 2011
Sean,Dec 31 2010 wrote:I'm a senior in college where I'm studying computer science. I live in the mid-west and I'm legally blind. I am an avid science fiction reader and I have a bit of an obsession with space. I enjoy reading, writing, roleplaying, and 3 dimensional design. I am an big fan of 's work, particularly the foreigner series, but I embrace all sci-fi and fantasy.
In my spare time I enjoy a good cup of , working on my book, designing spacecraft, and thinking about the logistical challenges of deep space colonization.
Welcome Sean! And Happy New Year!
3D design? Perhaps you could take up the task formerly performed as a hobby our departed salad Richard Knuckalls? Which was, modeling Norway and other Alliance/Union/ example of his Norway is my current avatar.
Damn. I just realized that, per the biography thread, once we got his correct birthday, we never got to wish it of him -- he passed away before he saw another b-day...
Posted: 5:15 AM - Jan 01, 2011
Oh man, Xh, that is a sad realization. But thanks for pointing it out. Better to know.
Posted: 8:55 PM - Jan 01, 2011
While I can't claim to know anything about the Norway, or the Alliance books in general (I am hoping to get a chance to read them soon). I would enjoy the challenge of modeling these ships.
Posted: 2:44 PM - Jan 03, 2011
Sean, glad to hear you're game. You will probably want to peruse the following threads:
The first 3d modeling thread
The original Norway-specific thread
The last Norway thread, pinned as a memorial to RKnuckalls.
thread centered on Dublin Again and other merchies
Posted: 4:35 PM - Jan 05, 2011
Thanks for the links, I've been looking through them and what he was working on doesn't seem to be to far off some of the things I've been attempting. I am definitely more interested in going and reading the books now as well.
He did very good 3D work.
I've only got about a year of self- taught experience working with 3D modeling, and I'm just now starting to approach the level of detail that it looks like he was working with, but I'm willing to give anything a shot, and I can't resist working of a spaceship. If I get some free time, I'll see what I can do.
Posted: 5:50 PM - Jan 05, 2011
Not much to tell really . . . not much for putting personal information out there . . .
- SciFi and Fantasy fan, avid (and sometimes rabid) reader, and a wannabe writer.
- Foreigner is the only whole series of Cherryh's I've read (I just couldn't get past the Chanur 'Cats in Space' idea, sorry). Do plan to look into her other works though.
- Don't do Facebook or Twitter, and likely never will.
- Do, however, frequent and write on several other MB forums (with both collaborative and solo projects).
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:16 pm)
My name in real life is Robert Harris, online i go by, obviously, ViniVici online. I'm 19 and was in training in the Navy for about 6 months before i broke my leg, i currently attend Pepperdine University and I study Law, Business, and Psychology. I am currently engaged to the love of my life :D. I'm an avid weapons collector and enjoy going shooting in the desert. I also enjoy riding dirt bikes and fishing. None of this holds a candle to my passion for reading, which i do quite often. Some of the authors i enjoy are C.J. Cherryh, Robert Heinlein, Jame's Lovegrove, Tom Clancy, Harper Lee, John Steinbeck, Arthur Clarke, and about 12 million more haha. My favorite genre is science fiction. The final small hobby i enjoy is playing video games which i try to do within the bounds of not turning my brain to mush (i do so try) and i own and manage a few servers in Counter Strike Source. And my final detail i like to slip in is i am fluent in 5 language (English, Russian, Spanish, French, and Arabic).
Posted: 10:58 AM - Feb 12, 2011
ery good to meet you, mon ami.
Posted: 11:35 AM - Mar 24, 2011
Biography eh? I'm not so sure mine is terribly intriguing. Nonetheless, one shall endeavor to put something down.
Let's see.
I'm a 38 year old woman who is almost 39 ... Born in northern US but currently live in Atlanta, GA in the USA, and oh so wish I lived somewhere else. I currently work in the IT industry as a Technical Project Manager and Deployment Engineer.
I've been reading since almost two years of age. Reading books since two. Reading Sci-Fi/Fantasy since seven when my mother purchased one of the original Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Club memberships. Oh, I remember how I looked forward to the mailman bringing that monthly box of books!
My first Cherryh books were The Dreamstone and the Tree of Swords and Jewels, which I still have. I went on to Cuckoo's Egg and then on to the entirety of the Foreigner series.
And I realize I've sat here for the past 45 minutes attempting to compose a comprehensive (yet concise!) list of my other favored authors. And I'm failing on both counts, though I do have authors I like just as much. So I'll just let it suffice to say that I've read a lot of books in my life thus far and have reasonably liked most. My reading habit is to consume a book in speedy ferocity The "winners" are those that I am willing to sit down and read again. And then again. And then again over time.
My current obsession is tracking down books that I remember reading during my young years courtesy of the above-mentioned book club. It's been interesting ... sometimes I have nothing more to go on than "Oh that one ... post apocalyptic, and he has a moose friend". (Yes, Hiero's Journey and Unforsaken Hiero ;) )
I'm often a lurker due to shyness, though I will occasionally get into a flurry of talkativity. Yes, that is a made up word. I'm an engineer ... I can do that ...
*shifty eyes*
Anywho, I think that is enough for now.
Posted: 12:47 PM - Mar 24, 2011
Rhaethe,Mar 24 2011 wrote:... Born in northern US but currently live in Atlanta, GA in the USA, and oh so wish I lived somewhere else.
Why? You can go to DragonCon and not have to book a hotel or have friends put you up!
Posted: 1:05 PM - Mar 24, 2011
Theta9,Mar 24 2011 wrote:Why? You can go to DragonCon and not have to book a hotel or have friends put you up!
It is the heat, humidity, overly changeable weather, and poor air quality. I never had allergies or sinus issues until moving here. Many other transplants mention the same. Other than that, Atlanta is fine ;)
As for D-Con ... I have a love-hate relationship with it
Posted: 10:50 PM - Mar 27, 2011
I'm Cory, and I posted at the old board a lot. Life got a bit weird after a while, so I stopped and tended to some issues, and kind of moved on with life. I don't completely know how I got here in the first place, but it was, IIRC, back in 2006, and I used either this handle or coryma26. Not sure which was my main one.
I live in California these days. Love soccer, love music, especially old jazz and ambient music. Right now I am listening to the latter, on Drone Zone, on iTunes.
I have been more of a reader as of late. Loving Sarah Vowell and John Hockenberry. I want to read Cherryh, but have no clue where to start. She is quite prolific.
Anyhow, just stopping in due to a bit of nostalgia. Especially kind of missing Taccic's antics.
And...well, for the last 10 or 15 minutes, I have caught up with the evolution of CKTC, a person whose presence on this board I really enjoyed, an whom genuinely seemed to display a similar mutual respect to me.
May she rest in peace.
Posted: 11:01 PM - Mar 27, 2011
Nice to have you back, Cory. Doesn't have to be hello and goodbye, you know
Posted: 5:04 AM - Mar 28, 2011
Glad to see you back, Cory! Stick around!
Posted: 10:16 AM - Mar 28, 2011
Good to see you, Cory. Hope to see more of your comments.
Posted: 5:31 PM - Apr 10, 2011
I hope I'm doing this correctly....
I'm new to the site, but not to Carolyn's books. Been a fan since the 70's when she first started writing.
I'm 51, paint in watercolor,acrylics, pastel, draw in graphite and fire (pyrography), and wood carve. My degree however is in the sciences, not art.
Another 'hobby' is taekwondo, which is biting me right now. I competed in my 2nd tournament, and sprained a wrist. Wouldn't be so bad if I had won the sparring match!
Oh, and I prefer to be called Barbara, not Barb (can't stand the b***h!
Favorite Cherryh series: Morgaine/Vanye, and Foreigner.
Hello everyone!
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:18 pm)
I can't stand Barb, either! So we'll never call you that!
Posted: 7:09 PM - Apr 10, 2011
barbara nadi:
Welcome in! You & I have some major similarities! One is cheered immensely!
Posted: 8:25 PM - Apr 10, 2011
Thanks, hrhspence. Much appreciated.
Posted: 8:30 PM - Apr 10, 2011
griffinmoon,Apr 10 2011 wrote:barbara nadi:
Welcome in! You & I have some major similarities! One is cheered immensely!
Griffinmoon nadi,
You draw, don't you? I think I saw somewhere on the forum your name associated with art. Do you market it yet or keep it in the hobby mode?
BarbaraPosted: 9:04 PM - Apr 10, 2011
Felicitous Sk8er
Thank you so much for posting your bio, Barbara! I really enjoyed learning a little about you!
Posted: 12:24 AM - Jul 21, 2011
Neco the Nightwraith
My my, time does march on, doesn't it?
The last time I posted here was April 2008, lol. My life is a whole new ball game now, so I'll update my bio, for the sake of showing off. ;)
Where to start though?
I married the love of my life, Hakkikt, in August 2010, in an unofficial family gathering in California on the 8th. I moved to live with him in Tasmania, Australia on the 16th, and married him officially (papers and all) on the 21st. Most of you have probably seen the various threads associated with our marriage. Our first year anniversay is next month, and all I can see is...holy cow, did that go by fast!
I recently was granted temporary residency status, and my application was sent on to be considered for permanent residency. The paperwork was and will probably continue to be harrowing, but I don't regret the process, if it means I can be here with my man. I need not fear being deported for the time being.
A few weeks ago I took the "learners" license driving test, and passed! I'm waiting for my card to show up, and was given all the stuff needed to log hours as I learn to drive (well, relearn, technically; I already know how to drive, but was used to being, you know...on the other side of the road). I count this to be a good step in life down here.
I don't work right now, so have a lot of time to spend on projects I used to be too busy/too bone tired for:
-I started teaching myself to crochet, and to relearn simple knitting skills.
-I have started hand sewing again, in an attempt to improve my skill set, and do minor repairs on tears and frayed things.
-I do most of the cooking and baking, and have branched out into making fermented foods (sourdough starter, saurkraut)
-I have been exprimenting (when it's on my mind) with making mead
-I have been bottling fruits (kiwi jam and chutney, green tomato chutney, tomato sauce, rose hip jam, etc)
-I garden; I am currently plotting out ways to utilize the small amount of space we have around the house, and I rent two 12x18 plots at the community garden to expand my space. I am working on creating an heirloom, non-GMo, chemical free seed collection, and will be teaching myself to collect seeds as well from the plants I raise
-Occassionally I dabble as a cheesemaker, but only know fresh cheeses
I am trying to create a skill set for myself that allows me to do most anything without having to rely on too many outside sources. Ironically, I haven't been reading too much. Actually, that's not true. I have been reading, but I read much slower now, so it takes me longer to get through a book. I also seem to have lost most of my inspiration and muse for art and writing, which pains me deeply.
There are so many things I want to learn: bee keeping, soap making, the finer and more difficult parts of cheesemaking, and most of all, the raising of animals for meat, eggs and dairy (that, however, will have to wait, and goodness knows if I'll ever be able to indulge in that one, but I hope so.)
I have many dreams, and plan on living them.
I turn 24 in August. Has life happened or what?
Posted: 4:56 PM - Aug 29, 2011
I've updated my bio a little. Pagination can vary a little depending on your viewing settings, page 14 plus or minus one seems be where it ends up. Or simply follow -=> this handly link <=-
Posted: 4:44 PM - Aug 21, 2012
I suppose this is the proper place to introduce myself in a little more detail. I'm never really sure how to do this online, but I'll make a fair attempt.
I'm AmityAlpha - if that's a little unwieldy, I'll answer readily enough to just Amity, or AA, or pretty much any other derivative you like. I live in London. When I'm offline I work in a primary school, with children aged 3-5. My role is to work individually and in small groups with kids who have special educational needs. It takes a lot of patience and no small amount of creativity, but it's incredibly rewarding.
I'm a Myers-Briggs INFJ, and I get told I 'think too much' quite often. I'm not sure that it's possible to think too much, but I do tend to be fairly analytical about concepts others seem to take for granted.
I've always been drawn to possibilities, looking into what could be rather than simply what is, and so it's only natural, perhaps, that I found my outlet in SF. I marveled at the creations of the imagination of others.
I've been reading Cherryh's books for quite a while. I find that each time I revisit one, I gain new insight. At first, I was enthralled by the cultures she created. In recent readings, I've been focusing on the characters, and Cherryh's keen understanding of psychology, particularly the mindsets of her more sensitive, intuitive characters. I find myself using some of her characters' vocabulary when I'm mapping out my own mindspace. That's something I might start a topic about later, if I can find a more general way to express it instead of relating to the specifics of my situation.
I'm working on-and-off with created universes and stories of my own, and it's one of my dreams to have something published one day (in the distant future when I both finish something and am content that it doesn't need more revision. I've got perfectionist tendencies.)
My favorite books by Cherryh at the moment include Finity's End, Cyteen, the Faded Sun trilogy and the Morgaine saga. I'd like to read more of the Alliance/Union books! Alas, I've tried several times to get through Foreigner. On paper, it sounds like just the sort of story I'd like - I just haven't been drawn in by it yet. I'm not sure why.
Posted: 6:03 PM - Aug 21, 2012
Welcome in, AA You'll find most of us think too much here. That was on my Myers-Briggs as well. Personally I think it's only thinking too much if it's too much for you. I have had it, a couple of times.
Kkktttt! Hkkt, Launceston Tasmania [usually but Santa Rosa Calif this month]
1502PST [2203GMT] Tue. 21 Aug. 2012.
Posted: 9:47 PM - Aug 21, 2012
Thanks for the glimpse in, AmityA. And welcome again. Looking forward to hearing more!
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:21 pm)
Biography, eh?
First, I suppose, about the name. I normally don't use a pseudonym, but with so many assasins about... ,,,honorable assasins, I'm sure. I've recently discovered all my life I've had a bit of Asperger's Syndrome, now grouped with ASD, as I believe did my father. So it came to me on the spur of the moment--when in Rome, err, Shejidan...
Born & raised, lived most of my life, in LA. Emmigrated to the Pacific Northwest 20 years ago. Degree in Chemistry, career in computing. The first computer I learned programming on was so primitive it couldn't actually ADD--it used table-lookup the way we did as little kids. Now retired. Actually that happened a long time ago because HR thinks anybody in their 40's or better is an obsolete old dinosaur and can't possibly know anything relevant to today's computing. All general rules are false. As I said, I build my own Linux systems for internet access. They don't need to do everything, but knowing what they can and cannot do is a first step to security! And HR uses that other insecure system, for which they have to buy all kinds of security add-ons, don't they?
My sister has been doing geneaology this summer, and if it's all to be believed, herself and I are "cousins". Who knew, when I first picked up "Gate of Ivrel"?
I suppose I'm something of a cyborg, I use computers as a aid to analysis and thinking. So one "hobby" is keeping my tools usable.
The other hobby is hybridizing rhododendrons.
And I enterain myself with "considerations" of what happened to Legacy. Hilfy isn't Pyanfar, for sure, but she upset the han's traditionalists far more than her Aunt in the long run. (She knows. )
(typo fix)
Posted: 10:13 PM - Sep 09, 2012
Welcome in, asdrin! I believe we are cousins as Herself's tree shows up frequently in my owne searches on Ancestry. As Pyanfar said....I'll have to look the quote up
Posted: 2:38 AM - Sep 10, 2012
Yes, I remember her claiming a relationship to the kif and saying something about having to look it up, and hoping the kif couldn't.
p.s. It's not coming to me. Certainly not Dur Tahar. Banny Ayhar?
Posted: 12:49 PM - Apr 23, 2014
Hm, this thread is somewhat neglected...
I thought I'd give an update. Not sure if anyone's interested, but I sure know I want to tell
Last time I was here was January 2013, and before that it was November 2012. Wow.
I am still living in Munich and am still working in a low-threshold facility for drug users.
In 2013 I had the heartbreak of my life, coz I had fallen in love with a guy much much MUCH younger than me, and for some reason he liked me, too. So we had an affair, and oh I was so very much in love with him. Full princess-mode. I felt and behaved like a teenager.
In hindsight I feel this was necessary for me to heal and grow, coz I had a chance to finally live everything I had missed during my puberty.
I did have an amazing time, really. We did a lot of great things together, eg. travelling to India.
Shorty after we'd returned I ended the affair, coz I felt that I was falling and falling. T'was good for a while, but of course it wasn't to last.
After that I had the worst heartache of my whole life. It wasn't really the guy, of course, it was me getting older, realising I am NOT a teenager, and all the fears of growing old and being ugly, unloved, forever alone. All that.
I did what I could to get better, I meditated, I went to CoDA (only for a month, but it was extremely helpful), I threw heaps of old stuff away (cleansing...)
and yet there came a day, June 30 2013, when I really wanted to die.
Instead, coz I had nothing to lose, I registered with an online dating agency. Decent price, mostly for vegetarians and vegans.
July 1st the first recommendations came, among them Shnoosle. We wrote each other, in August he visited me, and-
The week before he came I sent him a mixtape (well, a mix-pen drive), and he wrote me one of the songs reminded him of ambient Hawkwind stuff.
Hawkwind, hehe. Ain't that cool? It's getting better!
I wrote: oh, I've seen them live once, in Cologne, and met a strange guy there, publisher of Hawkzine (German HW fanzine).
He: Hawkzine? Dietrich Pless the publisher's name? Coz in his late teens he's kept a correspondence with that very guy. (That was in the late 80ies.)
Me: Dietrich Pless! Yea! What a coincidence! I've also worked for the Hawkzine then, made some translations.
He: One edition of the Hawkzine had been very important for him back then. He'll tell me about it when he's in Munich with me.
Wow, I am thinking. Not too many folks know Hawkwind, almost no one knows the Hawkzine, and Dietrich Pless. Amazing!
And I was thinking: perhaps back then he's read a translation written by me and has been impressed, that would be so extremely awesome!
So, he comes, and he tells me that there has been a poem in one of the edtions, about a filling station, and that poem has touched him deeply and somehow has been with him ever since. And that he'd always wanted to find the one who's written that poem, coz she'd be the one.
And I go MEH. Never wrote poems for the Hawkzine, and never wrote a poem about a filling station at all. Meh.
And he goes on: About a filling station, and a sofa to sleep on, and always stuff in the fridge...
And I go
"In case you don't know
where to go
you can always come to me
in my kitchen is a sofa
you can sleep on
in the fridge you'll always find
something to eat
Here's the filling station
a place for you to rest a while..."
I had totally forgotten that I'd sent that song to the Hawkzine.
Well... so... We're getting married, and I'll leave Munich for Mannheim.
Now to find some job, some decent work in Mannheim.
Happy Vetch!
Posted: 11:32 PM - Apr 23, 2014
Wow :D
kktktktk Hkkt 1332 [0332GMT, 2032PST] Th. 24 Apr. 2014.
Posted: 12:41 AM - Apr 24, 2014
I'm a romantic at heart, and that story is really, really wonderful. Vetch, I hope you two have a great, long, loving, liking relationship.
Also, I think I understand about the previous relationship, why it was so meaningful, yet that it did not work out.
I'm still struggling to get back in the swing of things and get it to stay that way. Some of the realizations I've had, about myself or people I've been close to (or thought I was) have been difficult. Some, simply because I miss them; others, because for various reasons, I wasn't, or they weren't, the people I thought. I certainly understand depression.
So -- I hope this is the start of very good things for you. When you were on before, you always impressed me as a super person.
Also, working with drug rehab and other very hard personal issues like that, with others (or with oneself) really is an emotionally and physically demanding job and labor of love, a commitment. It's impressive that you could do that.
I found that being responsible for the life and well being of another person was far, far more tough on me than my own issues. That has to be one of the most significant things that we don't realize before we're out on our own and then raising a family or caring for family or friends. At least, it seems that way to me.
I hope you and your soon-to-be husband will be very happy.
Best Wishes!
Posted: 2:26 AM - Apr 24, 2014
etchi-ji, I am so glad to hear this good news from you. I was hoping the story didn't end with the dark parts, though I also would like to retroactively give you a hug!
I'm also getting married--in two weeks aaah--Nepenti is reading in the ceremony--and with us and Neco & Hakkikkt it does seem like romance is in the air on Shejidan these last few years!
Much affection from this corner of the world! I still remember our message cylinder exchange and the small parcel you sent me all those years ago, which came at a low point in my life. One is so happy for you now. :wub:
Posted: 5:14 AM - Apr 24, 2014
Vetch-ji, that is a wonderful, amazing story! Thank you so much for telling us; I know we are all so thrilled for you! You went went through despair and hard work on yourself, and you so much deserve happiness. I am so glad you have found someone who makes you happy.
I am struck by the power of coincidence in your story, and thought I would share another one, kind of similar. This is from the National Public Radio program This American Life, March 1, 2013 (It's available to stream if anyone wants to hear the original audio instead of a transcript, you can get it through this link: ... transcript) I used a red font, because it's a love story. It is also a true story:
Sarah Koenig:
At the time this next love story takes place, a guy named Paul Grachan was working in a Chicago suburb called Arlington Heights. He'd just started dating a woman named Esther. They'd been out maybe eight times.
Paul Grachan:
And I thought maybe it was time to get exclusive, or become boyfriend/girlfriend, or whatever it was. And I was about to go out to lunch, and I was thinking about asking her on a Friday date that I had set up. And I went out to lunch.
I stopped at the store prior to hitting the deli that I normally hit. And I got some change, went to the deli, ordered my sandwich. It was six bucks, or something like that.
I pulled out a five from my wallet, and I pulled out the couple bucks change that I'd gotten from the store, handed the clerk one of the ones. And then I looked at it and I pulled it back. Written on the dollar in pencil was "Esther."
And I thought oh, that's weird. I'm thinking about asking her to go steady and I get this dollar that says Esther on it. That's bizarre. So I stuck it in my pocket, chuckled.
I went to the store. I got one of those floating frames and a little piece of gold lame, and I stuck the dollar in the frame. So it was floating in the middle on this piece of gold, as if you're going to go in a church in Italy and they had a fragment from the robe of some saint or something like that. And I called it the "Immaculate Dollar of Arlington Heights."
So on the Friday, I asked her out. And she was all excited, and we were all giddy. And then I said, hey, I have one more thing for you. And I gave her this frame with this dollar in it.
Esther Grachan:
I start unwrapping it. And he's like, it's a dollar with your name on it. And he's all beside himself. And I just looked at him like I'm freaked out.
Paul Grachan:
She kind of furrowed her brow a little bit and looked concerned. And I said, is there some sort of problem?
Esther Grachan:
I was speechless for the first time ever. But I said, remind me to tell you something later.
Paul Grachan:
So, OK, I let it go. And we had a relationship, got engaged. We got married. A couple years later, we were unpacking at a new apartment that we had. And I found the frame with the dollar in it, and I stuck it up on the dresser.
And she came in the room. I said, hey, you never told me about this dollar. What's the deal with that? She said, well--
Esther Grachan:
When I was 19, I was a cashier working in a copy shop in downtown Chicago. And I was dating someone, and I just wasn't happy with him. And I just thought, how do people know who's the right person that they're meant to be with? How do they know who that is?
I said, you know what, I'm not going to worry about that. I'm just going to put my name on this dollar bill. And the guy that gets this dollar bill is going to be the guy that asks me to marry him. And I'm like, well, you can't just write your name on one. Actually, I think it was more like maybe 10 or 12.
And so this dollar bill that you gave me, I believe, is the same dollar bill that I wrote my name on. And I knew that we were going to be married the day that you gave me this dollar bill.
Paul Grachan:
It was pretty crazy.
Esther Grachan:
And then he made me tell him the story again. He asked me, like, five or six times. And I said, the details don't change. It's the same story. I think he was a little bit beside himself that that actually happened and that I didn't tell him.
I don't know how I found the will to not say anything to him. But I just remember, do I? Don't I? Do I? Don't I? What do I do?
I don't want to freak this guy out and be like, what? This girl's already talking about marriage? Wait, what? Forget it.
Paul Grachan:
I don't read too much into almost anything. So I just kind of move forward. And then after she told me, I think I went through all the normal stages of whatever.
And I just thought, what does this mean for us? Are we going to invent a time machine? Or are our kids going to bring world peace? Like, what's the point? Because there's some sort of bigger thing that we're not seeing here.
Now it just sits in that very same frame up on our dresser. And I look at it every day that I wake up. Sometimes I remind her that we have it when she's upset at me or angry.
Esther Grachan:
It's never been a question in my mind-- like, you know what, I'm going to kick this guy to the curb. But I do believe it's because of this dollar that I feel tied to him.
I mean, obviously I love him. But I think that if it ever did cross my mind, I'd be like, but wait, this is my soul mate. I can't just walk out on him. We don't even wear wedding bands. I'm like, why? It's just, I know I'm stuck with you. We got this dollar bill.
I guess he could also put it back out into the register and then be like, look, I'm cashing this in. I think it's gotta go to somebody else. He could do that.
Sarah Koenig:
Paul and Esther Grachan, they've been married for 14 years.
Posted: 6:19 AM - Apr 24, 2014
the mule
Vetch-ji, that is wonderful news and a great outcome. You should never worry about growing old ugly and unloved as long as you are a member of Shejidan (cos we can all be old and ugly together, especially those of us who are still teenagers at heart )
A glass for your wedding
Posted: 12:56 PM - Apr 24, 2014
:') ohh, all ye shnoosles & s
Squeeee, Asicho! That is great news! I am so happy to read that, also the dear Shejidans that attend your wedding. Two of them met here, didn't they? :D Oh, lovely!
That story of the "Immaculate Dollar of Arlington Heights" is amazing, and, yea, I know such things happen.
Shnoosle, well, Archshnoosle (of course), he wrote on his profile at that online dating site a very romantic text about being in love, and then the work starts. I love that: romance and reason. And like that couple with the dollar, we both think: this is our work now. All we did in our lives led us to this point.
We've also had some rows already, I've got my quirks, he's got his, and we've learned that we... can do it an are doing it.
Not so long ago, in princess mode, I'd left Munich and my job at once and would have moved in with him. He offered this to me. I said "No way. I have to have work in Mannheimn, earn my own money, and have my own flat."
Get married right away: yea, fine by me.
Move into one flat: not yet.
Getting married will take some time anyway.
Right now we see each other every other week end, it's 5 hours between Mannheim and Munich.
Well, we're engaged, and we got fat gold rings.
For me that's pure punk rock
And yea, in some regards I'll be a teenager forever, happily.
Ah BlueCatShip, we're in the middle of truly interesting times, all of us. At least that's what I feel. The last few years have been intense, also kinda crazy, and to me it seems that we are being reduced (are reducing ourselves) more and more towards our essence. I find it hard to put this in words... Interesting times... with losses which are often overdue but feel horrible at the time, and then free space, empty space, void, and there, I think, we can get to know what we truly are. And come home.
Well, that's the plan. And we're still in the middle of it.
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:26 pm)
Dear darling Vetch! I am so so so happy for you. Oh my goodness. hugs to both of you. Does he know how very much valued you are here? he'd better be good to you or the Guild will be on him like catnip.
Posted: 8:41 AM - Apr 25, 2014
Oh, you're so schnuselig, dear Shejidans!
Yesterday, after my last post here I was angry, coz Shnoosle hadn't called all day, and then he did and told me that Pompom, one of his cats, has a tumor in (or at) her stomach. :'(
I never had pets, now I am stepmother to three cats, and now one is sick.
And now we must decide if we want to have her operated. Maybe leaving her be is the best thing, maybe an operation can make things better, it could also make things worse. It's really cruel to have to decide such things.
Oh sigh. Of course his cats grow older and get sick eventually, but I had hoped that it would be many years till then. And Pompom, she's not really a keen cuddler, but she always comes and rolls up in my lap when I have a ... discussion with Shnoosle, and she stays until Shnoosle and I are done and good again. She's always there for us.
Oh well.
Posted: 9:10 AM - Apr 25, 2014
That's hard. You just have to use your best judgment about what is best for the cat, and it is hard to know. Hugs again for that!
Posted: 9:50 AM - Apr 25, 2014
Thank you!
Well... happens all the time.
People with pets know this too well, for me it's still new.
Posted: 6:42 AM - Apr 27, 2014
Very, very happy to hear your news Vetch!
Posted: 7:13 AM - Apr 27, 2014
You know, all, I am very happy to return after, dunno, 2 or 3 years and everything's as it always was over here. Some new people, some old friends not here any more, but the vibes always good, and special.
Posted: 3:25 PM - Apr 27, 2014
Vetch-ji! I'm so happy for you!
Posted: 8:59 PM - Apr 29, 2014
Congratulations to you, Asicho! May you have a wonderful adventure together!
Posted: 11:30 AM - May 16, 2014
Greetings all.
I, unfortunately, have not had time to read through everyone else's biographical information thus far. In fact, I've had little opportunity to read nearly as much on the forums as I would have wished. That will be remedied at some point.
Nevertheless, here is my own biography. I hope you will find it at least mildly interesting.
My name is Brent. I grew up all over the western United States. Although I lived in Temecula, California for 8 years and American Fork, Utah for 4 years before that I have moved 23 times in my 28 years of life. Yes, I'm rather young. I currently live in Salt Lake City, but I dream of moving back to the Pacific Northwest. I have a Bachelor's degree in Speech Communication, but work as a part-time grunt at UPS. It's not living the dream, but it's a job and I'm grateful for it.
I have been a fan of nand seidjei's work since early middle school. While sixteen years of enjoyment is only a drop in the bucket for many of you, I can say it has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience for me. I have read Foreigner (and whatever books of the series I had) at least once a year every year in that time, and every book in the series that was out whenever a new one was released. I have read my tattered copy of the Faded Sun Omnibus about 20 times, and I've collected hard-cover copies of each of the books for my shelf. I have Rusalka and Yvgenie, the Cuckoo's Egg, and more. I've only recently begun reading her fantasy works. And though I have struggled to get into them, I really want to read the Chanur sequence.
I enjoy playing and running various pen-and-paper RPGs, video games, television series, movies, and reading lots and lots of books. I am working on designing a board game, as well as two RPGs. I do some graphic modeling and web design in my free time. I am a Star Trek fan and participate in some collaborative fan fiction in Obsidian Fleet.
In short, I have too many hobbies and too little time.
My time is enriched and limited even further because I have a small family. My wife, Tara, and son, Ben, keep me busy and deliriously happy. Even when I cannot work on all of the hobbies I would like, being with them makes up for it all.
<forbidden topic>
=7.33333pxTrue to assumptions about many people who live in Utah, I am indeed a Mormon (a colloquial term for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). Politically, I identify myself as more moderate than conservative. While that does color my views on the world, I sincerely try to step outside myself and my own beliefs and see things from every point of view. I don't always succeed, but I always try. Please note: this is not an attempt to bring up any controversy, and I will not be talking about religion or politics (except Atevi versions of each). I just thought it best to give you all an idea of my background and what influences my views. Nothing more or less.
</forbidden topic>
I'm excited to get to know you all. So incredibly excited to interact with such a varied and talented group of people. I'm only sad I never discovered this community earlier.
Posted: 11:56 AM - May 16, 2014
Welcome in Borg!
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:30 pm)
Thanks, Nandi. I've been looking over the Ragi language documents you created. May I just say, wow!! Thank you for putting so much time and effort into something so awesome.
Posted: 12:05 PM - May 16, 2014
No problem!
Posted: 3:26 PM - Feb 11, 2015
Hey! Looks like I'm the second Salt Lake area resident on this page. I became a CJ Cherryh fan a couple of years ago after mistaking the Atevi for Drow on some book covers in the thrift store, though I had been curious to read the Chanur series after hearing some references in random blog comments for awhile. Anyway, I am more delighted than can be imagined with my accidental find. I enjoy D&D as well as other RPGs and typically geeky interests, my family mostly consists of 1.5 Catahoulas( one is crossed with Blue Heeler and Border Collie) and three skittish cats. I work in a medical billing office and hope eventually to be trusted with a remote position so I can retire to a rural area with less pollution for my asthma.
Posted: 3:39 PM - Feb 11, 2015
Welcome in Ashmire! Have some safe and
Posted: 8:49 PM - Feb 11, 2015
Welcome in Ashmire. I used to live in Orem, til I moved to Vegas. I still go up that way every year or so.
Posted: 9:55 PM - Feb 11, 2015
Felicitous Sk8er
Welcome, Ashmire! So glad you have joined our Association!
Posted: 3:18 AM - Feb 12, 2015
Welcome in, Ashmire! More ?
Posted: 12:33 PM - Feb 12, 2015
Welcome aboard Ashmire-ji! (am I really the first non-Assassin - aka "moderator" - to greet you?) LOL for your intro to atevi. I can see it now. DROW. IN. SPAAAAAAAACE! Our collection of smilies are quite idiosyncratic, any questions, just ask. You probably understand "salad" already if you've been reading Foreigner books.
Posted: 1:26 PM - Feb 12, 2015
Welcome in, Ashmire!
Please keep all appendages in the jumpship at all times, as one is not certain what happens to spacers outside the ship during jump....
(One suspects it is "far out!" ...To use a hew-mon phrase.)
Posted: 8:39 PM - Feb 12, 2015
Welcome in, Ashmire! Do you take gfi in your ?
Last edited by Kardaen (4/24/2020 9:33 pm)