In that case, I may just stay home, stay safe, and barbecue!
Pence, I just finished listening to this one, while sewing. It was wonderful, as you said. The narrator had a recognizable Russian accent and that added a lovely dimension. Thank you for the recommendation! Got any more? What with this one and Goddard, I am now going to start with you when looking for recommendations❤️
Glad you liked it. Wasn't the story of Stalin's Chef wrenching.
Didn't know it was out on audio. Now its on my list for my next audible credit.
My brain has been more compatible with short stories right now - Just finished Ben Aaronovitch's Tales from the Folly which was a pleasant light relaxation.
And have you gotten into Bujold? I've been fascinated with reactions to Paladin of Souls. So far there seems to be an age divide in my women friends in intensity of appreciation. And the Penric novellas are a delight.
But I find both the SF and Fantasy that she writes always have nice chewy bits.
I love Bujold, read her voraciously in the past but haven’t reread lately. I liked the Vorsagian books quite a lot and as you say, have found much to like in everything I have read by her.
the audible of Soviet Cooking was phenomenal.
I have also enjoyed Aaronovitch.