70°F Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 26% Wind: 0 mph
perfect weather
Right now at 10:20 am AEDT on Tuesday morning it's 19 deg C on its way to 26 deg on a sunny day here in the national capital. Getting hotter over the next week in what is looking like a late burst of extra summer hereabouts.
Hallelujah, it's not melting. That's the worst part of spring, doing chores with ICE!
37F. at 9:15 AM. Started out sunny, now clouding over, and the wind is picking up. We had a lot of rain with just a sprinkle of snow.So very glad I don't have to go out.
Snow melting. Was a nice sunny day, high 40s F
50 degrees this afternoon. Despite the doom laden forecasts there was no snow on the Cape and only moderate wind. Some rain on Monday andTuesday.
It was 50 degrees when I got up, but by 11:00, it was down to 35, it's now 32 and projected to get down to 24 tonight.
Forecast high of 32 deg Celsius here in Canberra today. Even hotter tomorrow with 37 deg C forecast. This is most unusual for this time of year. We're usually well into autumn by now.
45 F. Cloudy with drizzles, maybe some sun later.