This time, having gotten my act together, the new cat --Obi--has walked out of the bathroom and around the livingroom. Currently hiding between the kitchen wall and stove. No harm can come of that. Sniffed noses with the other cat again got a small hiss out the other cat--first time I've heard him do that. He never dared with the Little Old Cat, she'd have sent him flying..
And he's out of the kitchen--record time so far. Looks willing to accept under the plant table between 2 bookshelves (neatly blocked off from digging him out the first time around).
I do believe we have a keeper.
Still not eating. Didn't touch his wet food either. Soooo, we had a small force feeding session of kibble. He took it well enough. Maybe he'll get the idea that it's okay to eat. I did warn him that I can and will do whatever is needed on any given topic. The hazards of being owned by an old Vet Tech: nothing sacred.
So glad for the return!
Well. We must be feeling a little better: the new boy just hissed and took a swing at the Old Boy. Proved he's a bit of a klutz by falling off the windowsill tonight. Still not eating on his own yet beyond a few mouthfuls of wet food--not good for his teeth that. Still haven't figure out his preferred eating schedule. Thought he showed signs of wanting a late night munchie by his dive for the Old Boy's food dish: presented him with his own dish: nope. The hiss/swing might have been one of those subtle things about who gets to pass who in the hall too. Just can't tell.
Aannnd the human has been accepted.
The new boy came to me last night of his own accord. Started eating last night too. (*Finally*). He's shown interest in hopping up on the chair with me--as long as the other cat isn't there--but not quite yet. Accepts chin skritches and ear rubs, allows grooming--all over and has started doing his own grooming as well.
A difference of opinion between the two cats (both neutered toms). The Old Boy knows all about fighting and the dreaded Water Bottle. New Boy got his first taste tonight--with suitable reaction. There seems to be the most tension between the food stations. Not quite sure how to resolve that or allow that to be resolved between them without my intercession. There's a 3 ' separation between their spots. Stealing from each others bowls is one thing. Swinging and aggressive approaches is a whole different thing. The Old Boy has taken up his ex's habit of puking to express his dissatisfaction of the New Boy. Don't know how to quell that before it gets any worse. The only thing I can think of for that issue has been to do my best to give generous petting reassurances to the Old Boy.
Mild reactions/interactions over all considering, but I have to comment on it all. Having watched the entire series of My Cat From Hell, this is easy-peasy stuff.
Last edited by Griffinmoon (9/03/2020 9:51 pm)