I think I have a copy of that article. Somewhere. Ill have to look it up.
Yes. I have that one, thanks. In fact I was reviewing it yesterday, having recovered my research archive onto my current laptop. One thing a 40 year IT career will teach you is to keep plenty of backups in multiple places.
Game, Aja Jin?
Kokipy wrote:
Game, Aja Jin?
This is a good price, altho the box is banged up.
Last edited by Aja Jin (5/06/2020 8:46 am)
Thanks for the reminder, mahe. I need to find a copy of that game.
Bumping this thread again to note that Wave Without a Shore is also in the AU universe.
Both Alliance and Gehenna are explicitly mentioned in the early setup of the book. I'm guessing it's way down the timeline as well, as I've found nothing specific so far to indicate when it occurs.
Doesn't WWaS take place outside of time? in a wasteland of sorts?
I've not read it in years, but I thought it was a different space continuum, not reachable from our universe under normal circumstances.
Come to think of it, the Foreigner Universe was supposedly like that, I remember back in her old blog on that someone had asked the question if they were anywhere in our known universe, and she answered, "No, and not likely to ever be again." No known stars were detected using spectral analysis, even the most distant detectable stars, so that might have been a clue they weren't where they thought they should be. But, that seems to have changed (spoiler...?) with the appearance of the kyo over the Earth of the Atevi and the revelations about the "other race" on the other side of kyo space. Alas, a search of her old website doesn't show it any longer. There is a new note to the Foreigner series where she stated she did not want the first two chapters of Foreigner included, but her editor insisted, so they're in there.
Well, I didn't question her the last time I was at Shejicon V, because I didn't feel it was a good time to ask. Neither she nor Jane were feeling all that well, but gamely went along with the rest of us as much as they could.
HRHSpence wrote:
Doesn't WWaS take place outside of time? in a wasteland of sorts?
I think that's actually a better description for the setting / events / action in Voyager in Night. WWaS to me is a more self-contained and internally focused story where the philosophy is important but the planetary setting is less so.
Joe, your post also reminds me that there was much in the way of discussion on the older boards about some of the issues you mention. I'm happy to restart some of those here in this shiny new space if anyone else is interested, otherwise I'll just continue with the ongoing conversation amongst me, myself, and I as I continue my own research activities.
Hang on a minute....these questions of intercolations between/among Book Universes do divert one’s attention. I am above all an A/U Cherryh reader, despite my other forays. But I've only read the first few Foreigner books. Can I please get a summary of who these kyo folk are, and how they may connect to other Cherryh Universes?