I have been rereading Foreigner, from and after Explorer, and I noticed this:
Ilisidi = Pyanfar
Machigi = Skkukuk
Pyanfar sent Skkukuk into the kif ships to take over, believing that she could deal with him, and that they would have their separate areas of interest that they could manage not to collide, and that Skkukuk would respect her for this and be loyal to her, within the ability of the kif brain to be loyal. So too, Ilisidi elevated Machigi, set him loose among his enemies and allies trusting that he had the charisma to attract manchi to accomplish similar bordering but not overlaping spheres of interest.
CJC Herself definitely has tropes she likes and that reappear in different forms from one book to the next.
The obvious one is "The guy is a damaged woobie, the woman is a dominant mastermind" (together, They Fight Crime!), but as you've just pointed out, there are others.
Kokipy - I do see the correspondence, now that you say it. I have also been thinking about how Machigi acts in book 21 DIVERGENCE. He jumps in and helps Bren deal with Paigeti. Not the sort of action one would expect from such an aggressive personality. But Sidi did set him free to act. And he does appear to have a connection to Bren. Interesting to see where that will go in future books (hoping there will be future books).
There has to be at least one more. The end of Divergence has a kind of foretelling of all the streams coming to a convergence to me.
Lordy, I hope there is more than one.
Bren and his ashid is similar to Ari, Caitlin and Florin.
Both have a leader with followers and protectors who are absolutely loyal by their very nature.
lynxlacelady wrote:
Kokipy - I do see the correspondence, now that you say it. I have also been thinking about how Machigi acts in book 21 DIVERGENCE. He jumps in and helps Bren deal with Paigeti. Not the sort of action one would expect from such an aggressive personality. But Sidi did set him free to act. And he does appear to have a connection to Bren. Interesting to see where that will go in future books (hoping there will be future books).
I thought that it was within Machigi's nature. Bren is essentially trying to give him partial control over another clan without bloodshed. Give him time and he will win the clans manchi.
yes. After all, we keep hearing about how the character of a lord is seen by the quality of the people who support him. In this case, with Machigi, we are seeing why his people support him. He is actually doing something positive for the situation.
lynxlacelady wrote:
yes. After all, we keep hearing about how the character of a lord is seen by the quality of the people who support him. In this case, with Machigi, we are seeing why his people support him. He is actually doing something positive for the situation.
When I think of him I think of someone who is absolutely ruthless but thinks long term. He doesn't seem the type to mess with people for a short term gain. He wants power long term. He doesn't want to get lots of power and lose it a short time later. He has a reputation as a good leader. His main rivals reputation is as a tyrant. He forms an alliance. If he takes steps to make the people safer and more prosperous he will win their manchi. He will end up more powerful, richer and more respected than if he just used guild force. It might take 10 years but its much more likely to last.
I think you are right. Bren and his contacts keep speaking of Machigi as the most dangerous man on the continent. His ability to think long term and act to benefit his people makes him a possible rival to Tabini. But in the last book Ilisidi says Tabini is the better aiji because his vision is wider and longer than Machigi. It will be interesting to see how this element in the story evolves.